About Me

 About Me!


  Hi Friends!

        Welcome to TheTraumaTeacher blog. I have been working with families and children in different capacities for a little over nine years with a special interest in social-emotional development and trauma. When I first began working with children, I did so mostly through nanny jobs and church ministries. I eventually realized how much I enjoyed teaching basic life and developmental skills.

    Naturally I did what any person with interest in working with children would do, I went to my local community college and signed up for Early Childhood Education classes. I was less than halfway through the semester when I realized working in a school or daycare just didn't feel like the right path to be on.

    At the end of the semester and the end of my nanny job at the time, I took a chance and applied for a job working with a local nonprofit agency that advocated for abuse survivors and their children. I was almost certain I wasn't qualified for the job and they would completely pass over my resume as I had no college degree, no certifications, and little to no "real" professional or corporate-type experience (aside from working in a grocery store for a summer). To my surprise they called me in for an interview and hired me on the spot to develop and coordinate a children's program for their agency.

    At the time, the position had been passed around a few times with little remnant of a pre-existing program. I was given a short list of required responsibilities and sent on my way with pretty much free rein to build a new program. I had no idea where to start. After several attempts to reach out to other professionals in the field, I decided to use what knowledge and experience I had combined with researching anything I wasn't familiar with to figure it out myself. That was almost five years ago.

    I am now working with a new agency and not currently doing children's programming, though it is still where my heart lies and what I want to eventually get back to doing. During my time building that program, I organized and executed a beautiful and effective curriculum with plans for temporary residential programs, youth support groups, and one-on-one parent/child advocacy. I also participated in community awareness events, networked and sat on councils with other agencies serving children and their families, and was invited to train early childhood educators on how to work with children who have experienced or are currently experiencing trauma. I wish I knew then what I know now and would have loved to sit for hours and pick my current self's knowledge.

    Thus why I am setting out to share the information and resources that I have learned and created here with you all. I know how hard it was to figure it all out with no idea where to start. The world is still severely behind when it comes to abuse and mental health, especially in children. A large chunk of the population view any programming for children as little more than babysitting (I see you schoolteachers, coaches, and youth leaders and I feel your frustration). Since I am not currently working with children and have all of this knowledge (and we are all stuck in the midst of a pandemic) it seemed like the perfect opportunity to put what I've learned to good use. I don't claim to know it all and am fully aware that I will likely also learn from any readers here as well. However I hope that the information I do have helps you in whatever fight you are advocating for at whatever stage of planning you are in. Together, just maybe, our fight can make the world a little brighter for all.

Don't forget to check out my bio-link website to reach all of my platforms!

Good Luck & Keep Fighting,

Jess ♥